Can we even call sin, sin anymore?

As a Christian you may have had this conversation with someone: Christian: __________ is sin. Other person: Jesus says to love not judge, and yet you are going to stand there and judge me. Your conversation may not have looked exactly like that but you get the basic point, that whenever a Christian claims something … Continue reading

The Christian delemma of being jobless

So for the last 9 months I have been looking for a job, and have been unsuccessful up to this point. I know there are those that have been at it longer, and are even more qualified but that doesn’t make the process any better or easier. My wife and I have been blessed with … Continue reading

The Blessing of Alzheimers

So this past weekend we went to visit my wife’s grandmother that is in a nursing home specifically for patients with dementia. We visit her any time we are in town but this time as we left a thought came to me, “What a blessing it can be to not remember.” Now I don’t mean … Continue reading

Is God on your side?

So a couple a weeks ago I went to church and first they sang a song with lyrics that said something about God being for me/us then the pastor even followed up by saying God is for us. Mind the sermon in a whole was good but this statement rubs me the wrong way. To … Continue reading

Media: Does it make the unbelievable, believable? Or does it do the opposite?

So here is the story behind this: At church on Wednesday night we are going through Revelation and we were studying the part that says a statue will come to life or something like that, but that isn’t the important part, the part that struck me was someone said something about “these crazy things in … Continue reading

The Grace Factor

It has been awhile as I was finishing up school and busy with life but I want to start being more consistent with writing, so I am going to try to post like once a week or so.   Lately the idea of grace based faith and obedience based faith has been on my mind. … Continue reading

Review: God’s not Dead

So appropriately my wife and I went to see the movie God’s Not Dead yesterday afternoon and since I have read a lot of different reviews I thought why not share mine as well. To begin I enjoyed the movie from the stand point that I was able to sit and watch it and not … Continue reading

Rock His World

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Grace Mery God

Finding Joy in an overwhelming world


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