Media: Does it make the unbelievable, believable? Or does it do the opposite?

So here is the story behind this: At church on Wednesday night we are going through Revelation and we were studying the part that says a statue will come to life or something like that, but that isn’t the important part, the part that struck me was someone said something about “these crazy things in … Continue reading

Testing vs temptation

So I was thinking about this the other, and really I don’t remember why. I used to get a little confused when I read the book of James or heard it preached on because people talk about the testing of our faith and that it is a good thing and God will even test us … Continue reading

Your Original Love

On Tuesday nights I have been blessed to have started a bible study over the book of Revelation and we are only in the 2nd chapter and this is what I have got from it: The church of Ephesus is told they had lost their original love for Jesus, and if I am to look … Continue reading

My Revelation

So Myself and a small group that I am a part of have decided to take on the task of going through and studying the book of Revelation. At first this kind of worried me because I haven’t really studied Revelation too much, I guess because I felt like so much of it was hard … Continue reading

Rock His World

A Place to Learn How To Make Marriages Rock!

Grace Mery God

Finding Joy in an overwhelming world


Because your family is counting on you.